
About College

Govt. Naveen College Fasterpur(Setganga) Distt. Mungeli (C.G.) was established on date of 13th July 2013. Govt. Naveen College Fasterpur(Setganga) had started as a Co-Educational institution with three Faculty ARTS/COMMERCE/ SCIENCE Faculties. It started time period 2013 with only number of 150 students. Studied here with at last Academic Session 2018-19 total numbers of 368 students have studied in our newly born institution.

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Principal's Message

The college has indeed made a very rapid progress. Its students have made a mark in the University Examination and its alumni have found. Honored places in society. Its strong has steadily grown-up. The college believes that the greatness of an institution lies in the ideals and objects that it stands for, and which it places before students. Good education must lead to harmonious development of personality. It has been our constant Endeavour to create an atmosphere in college conducive to the growth of body, mind and spirit of who come to it.

College has shifted in its own new building in October 2021. Highly Qualified academic staff members are involved in teaching theoretical and experimental Subjects under the able guidance of capable administrator & learned teachers of the college and open minded vision of Principal. College staff is also engaged in high quality academic activities and in organizing workshops and for interaction between students and teachers.

Again Congratulations! And the best wishes for all the students.

Dr Akhilesh Chandra Verma


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